We Cannot Have it Both Ways

So unfortunately, we have this human compulsion to not want to sacrifice our old life and embrace a new one. However, at the end of the day we must choose. New wine in new wineskins or new wine in old wineskins? There is so much our Dad desires for us to be and to have, but it cannot be combined with the old life. One must be “put off” the old life and “put on” the new life.
We either choose to be what we were created to be on our Creator's terms or we remain the same. Bottom line, we are given the choice of life to the full or a path leading to death. (Deut. 30:15-20) We were given that choice all the way back in the Garden, we chose poorly then and we seem to continue to do the same, but we don’t have to!
As sons and daughters we have been given both power and authority to choose life. What will you choose?
- When you put new wine into old wineskins what does that produce in your life?
- Take some time to compare what is “produced” from the “old wineskin” and what is “produced” if you invest in the new wineskin? Which bears good fruit? Which gives you life?
We either choose to be what we were created to be on our Creator's terms or we remain the same. Bottom line, we are given the choice of life to the full or a path leading to death. (Deut. 30:15-20) We were given that choice all the way back in the Garden, we chose poorly then and we seem to continue to do the same, but we don’t have to!
As sons and daughters we have been given both power and authority to choose life. What will you choose?
- When you put new wine into old wineskins what does that produce in your life?
- Take some time to compare what is “produced” from the “old wineskin” and what is “produced” if you invest in the new wineskin? Which bears good fruit? Which gives you life?
Posted in Wine and Wineskins
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