Humility in True Community

This week, we have done a lot of examinations of our community and how we operate. We cannot overlook the importance of humility throughout the process of finding true community.
We are all people. No one is going to create the perfect environment for a superhuman community. It’s not going to happen. This is not an excuse for not trying or compromising who you are but, it does bring grace into the picture. We are all going to hurt our friends and be hurt by them. Everyone is called to their own mission and it may not be compatible with everyone in your life currently. This ebb and flow of life needs to be top of mind as we journey through life.
As your friends' priorities change, be open-handed to letting them live their lives. As you have disagreements, be ready to let people go because they are allowed to disagree. When you cause pain, own it, and listen. When people in your community challenge you, consider it. True community can not be created with a controlling, iron fist. It is nurtured with truth, grace, love, time, and your presence.
- Can you think of a time you caused pain and didn’t handle the situation well?
- Can you think of a time you became hard-hearted and didn’t listen to trusted counsel?
- Can you think of a time you held onto a friendship that was timing out and it prolonged pain?
- Can you think of a time you were selfishly unsupportive?
- What gets in the way of you surrendering to the process of your heavenly Dad guiding you into truer community with others?
We are all people. No one is going to create the perfect environment for a superhuman community. It’s not going to happen. This is not an excuse for not trying or compromising who you are but, it does bring grace into the picture. We are all going to hurt our friends and be hurt by them. Everyone is called to their own mission and it may not be compatible with everyone in your life currently. This ebb and flow of life needs to be top of mind as we journey through life.
As your friends' priorities change, be open-handed to letting them live their lives. As you have disagreements, be ready to let people go because they are allowed to disagree. When you cause pain, own it, and listen. When people in your community challenge you, consider it. True community can not be created with a controlling, iron fist. It is nurtured with truth, grace, love, time, and your presence.
- Can you think of a time you caused pain and didn’t handle the situation well?
- Can you think of a time you became hard-hearted and didn’t listen to trusted counsel?
- Can you think of a time you held onto a friendship that was timing out and it prolonged pain?
- Can you think of a time you were selfishly unsupportive?
- What gets in the way of you surrendering to the process of your heavenly Dad guiding you into truer community with others?
Posted in Community Series
Posted in community series, humility in true community, true community, humility
Posted in community series, humility in true community, true community, humility
True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother