Above All Else...The Heart!

David and Solomon both stated, “guard your heart” because“it is the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23, Psa 119). From the heart, all meaning, desire, joy, sadness, passion and the deepest part of each person resides.
Unfortunately, this vital but often elusive part of our core is at risk of ever being fully known. It takes intentionality and intimacy with our Creator and heavenly Father to know it fully. As we discover one part of the heart’s depth and desire, we learn there is more depth to discover. The journey of our hearts lasts a lifetime and maybe even an eternity, but it is a journey we must take. We are beckoned to it. It is essential to know our true heart.
- Would you say you are in tune with your heart? Why or why not?
- How much time do you give to get in tune with your heart?
- Do you think your relationship with God affects your ability to know your own heart? Why do you say that?
- Make a list of some of your hopes, desires, and values that your feel deeply. Then write out why you feel so strongly about each of the things you have listed.
Unfortunately, this vital but often elusive part of our core is at risk of ever being fully known. It takes intentionality and intimacy with our Creator and heavenly Father to know it fully. As we discover one part of the heart’s depth and desire, we learn there is more depth to discover. The journey of our hearts lasts a lifetime and maybe even an eternity, but it is a journey we must take. We are beckoned to it. It is essential to know our true heart.
- Would you say you are in tune with your heart? Why or why not?
- How much time do you give to get in tune with your heart?
- Do you think your relationship with God affects your ability to know your own heart? Why do you say that?
- Make a list of some of your hopes, desires, and values that your feel deeply. Then write out why you feel so strongly about each of the things you have listed.
Posted in Movement of the Heart
Posted in Heart, movement of the heart, above all else, above all else the heart, the heart
Posted in Heart, movement of the heart, above all else, above all else the heart, the heart
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