A Different Story

I was raised that you work hard, give one hundred and ten percent and then you can rest physically, mentally, and emotionally, but on the outcome of your hard work. However, the Bible and the world God created tell a different story.
Let me explain…
Good made the first day of the week “a sabbath.” A day to rest from all the work we do. He even modeled this for us in Genesis 1!
He then added honoring the sabbath to the big Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20)
He made the Jewish traditions of a day to start at sunset the night before sunset and end before sundown the next day.
Jesus discussed that we need to “abide in the vine”, to do anything well. A direct reference to rest, relationship, and responsibility. (John 15)
Jesus also stated the “sabbath was created for man” not the other way around. (Mark 2:27)
The seasons of planting show the need to rest a field and then make it productive.
All His created order starts with REST and ends in WORK.
We rest, get to be at our best, and then we engage. The Sabbath was a day to put first what was meant to be FIRST in human life, intimacy with Abba Father. The deep heart connection to Him allows us to truly rest, to truly let go, and let down.
- What mindset do you have around rest?
- Do you believe you work hard and then rest? Why?
- Do you believe rest comes first and then you work? Why?
- How would your priorities and mindset have to shift to align with our heavenly Dad’s created order?
Let me explain…
Good made the first day of the week “a sabbath.” A day to rest from all the work we do. He even modeled this for us in Genesis 1!
He then added honoring the sabbath to the big Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20)
He made the Jewish traditions of a day to start at sunset the night before sunset and end before sundown the next day.
Jesus discussed that we need to “abide in the vine”, to do anything well. A direct reference to rest, relationship, and responsibility. (John 15)
Jesus also stated the “sabbath was created for man” not the other way around. (Mark 2:27)
The seasons of planting show the need to rest a field and then make it productive.
All His created order starts with REST and ends in WORK.
We rest, get to be at our best, and then we engage. The Sabbath was a day to put first what was meant to be FIRST in human life, intimacy with Abba Father. The deep heart connection to Him allows us to truly rest, to truly let go, and let down.
- What mindset do you have around rest?
- Do you believe you work hard and then rest? Why?
- Do you believe rest comes first and then you work? Why?
- How would your priorities and mindset have to shift to align with our heavenly Dad’s created order?
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