How to Rest

written by Chris Hartenstein
“How do I rest?” is a great question once we have settled that rest is a priority for us and is the gift of a good Dad to His sons and daughters.
The sabbath is a good example of what rest should be. A deep heart connection with our heavenly Dad (intimacy) and vastly different than our everyday life. It can come in small and large amounts too!
Let me explain each.
We were created to “live off our Dad.” Our hearts, minds, spirits, emotions, every part of us needs Him. When we have time to rest, to rest deeply we need to be with Him, listen to Him, hear His voice, sense His presence. Being in His presence gives us a rest that is mythical and yet true, how does that happen for you? A walk in the woods, sitting in a cafe reading, journaling, being creative? Whatever that is, make it the number one priority when you rest. For me, it is a hike in His beautiful creation, or sitting reading by a fire, journaling what is on my heart. These move me into His presence and deepen my heart's connection with Him. This connection breeds faith and a release of what’s on my heart and mind; allowing me to truly rest. He also knows what I need and gives that when I am attentive to Him.
Secondly, I avoid things that distract my heart or pull me into the routine. I avoid my phone, email, the news, work conversations, answering questions, my to-do list, etc. I just don’t let them into my day or time of rest. This lessens the distractions and enemies of my rest.
I also try to rest in both small and large amounts (large amounts like explained above). I will pause in small amounts during my day, pray off what’s on my heart, clear my head, take a deep breath, read a prayer or verse, sit quietly for three or five minutes, and then step back into my day. It’s crazy how effective that is to keep me rested.
Rest is something that needs to be learned and intentionally made part of every day. Give it the time it needs. You were created for it and need it so don’t neglect it. You lose when you do!
- Why don’t you rest? How does that work for you?
- What are some ways you can rest small amounts throughout your day and week?
- What are some ways you can rest in large amounts throughout your week?
The sabbath is a good example of what rest should be. A deep heart connection with our heavenly Dad (intimacy) and vastly different than our everyday life. It can come in small and large amounts too!
Let me explain each.
We were created to “live off our Dad.” Our hearts, minds, spirits, emotions, every part of us needs Him. When we have time to rest, to rest deeply we need to be with Him, listen to Him, hear His voice, sense His presence. Being in His presence gives us a rest that is mythical and yet true, how does that happen for you? A walk in the woods, sitting in a cafe reading, journaling, being creative? Whatever that is, make it the number one priority when you rest. For me, it is a hike in His beautiful creation, or sitting reading by a fire, journaling what is on my heart. These move me into His presence and deepen my heart's connection with Him. This connection breeds faith and a release of what’s on my heart and mind; allowing me to truly rest. He also knows what I need and gives that when I am attentive to Him.
Secondly, I avoid things that distract my heart or pull me into the routine. I avoid my phone, email, the news, work conversations, answering questions, my to-do list, etc. I just don’t let them into my day or time of rest. This lessens the distractions and enemies of my rest.
I also try to rest in both small and large amounts (large amounts like explained above). I will pause in small amounts during my day, pray off what’s on my heart, clear my head, take a deep breath, read a prayer or verse, sit quietly for three or five minutes, and then step back into my day. It’s crazy how effective that is to keep me rested.
Rest is something that needs to be learned and intentionally made part of every day. Give it the time it needs. You were created for it and need it so don’t neglect it. You lose when you do!
- Why don’t you rest? How does that work for you?
- What are some ways you can rest small amounts throughout your day and week?
- What are some ways you can rest in large amounts throughout your week?
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