Kingdom of Rest

Is this Kingdom of Chaos one we really want to live in? Did yesterday’s description feel unfortunately relatable and leave you wanting something more? All of us have been there. Ignoring our hearts, constantly exhausted, and yet still somehow striving to “make it work.” Chaos gives us an empty opportunity to prove that we can bring order. So, we work and work and work but it just leads to more chaos.
Here is some good news friends- There is another kingdom we can live in. A Kingdom where we don’t have to be worn and weary all the time, one where we don’t have to strive or feel weighed down by the lack of security in this world be it politics, money, or relationships
The King of this Kingdom calls you by name saying, “Come to me, I know you are weary and heavy of heart. Come and I will give you rest.”.
While we are asked to live in the “real world,” this King claims his way is the most real. He calls us to look back on our story and see glimpses of Him in what we love. Then to do the same as we look at our lives presently. He promises that even now in everything that is happening in our lives, we will find rest in him, if we follow him. He reaches his hand down to help us out of the chaos.
Every day, we wake up facing this choice. “Will I fall into chaos? Will I enter into our Dad’s Kingdom?” To enter our Dad’s Kingdom of Rest we must focus not on our impact but on our intimacy. Our hearts must find their dwelling place within him.
One great way to enter into the Kingdom of rest is to learn how to spend time with Our heavenly Dad. This looks different for everyone. Maybe you feel his presence in nature, writing poetry, or reading. Find where you feel your Dad’s presence and allow his heart to speak to you. Give Him your concerns, worries, frustrations. All of it. (Put your hands down when doing this, releasing all to him)
Another practice that could help is just by listening to his voice. Ask him, “What do you have for me today? What are we doing together today?” Whatever his answer is, receive it and step into his kingdom with him. Jesus will answer every question we have. He gives what our hearts want and need: time with him. We can rest in how Jesus is already fighting for our best. (Put your hands up when doing this process, receiving what he has)
This intimacy, this Kingdom of Rest, gives us strength, restoration, joy, peace, healing, provision, His plan…everything our heart desires and needs! EVERYTHING!!! This place we could also call home! Wrap your head and heart around that!
This is how we move from the Kingdom of Chaos into the Kingdom of Rest. By spending time with our first love and king- Jesus.
It’s that easy and that hard.
- What are some things you loved (made you feel at home) as a kid that you have lost as an adult?
- What did you love about those things? What made them feel like home?
- What are some of the imposters that keep you from those places?
- Ask Jesus to reveal himself in those places.
- Ask Jesus what he loves doing with you.
- What are the things you love doing by yourself? Where do you go when you have time alone?
Next time you are there, invite Jesus there.
Here is some good news friends- There is another kingdom we can live in. A Kingdom where we don’t have to be worn and weary all the time, one where we don’t have to strive or feel weighed down by the lack of security in this world be it politics, money, or relationships
The King of this Kingdom calls you by name saying, “Come to me, I know you are weary and heavy of heart. Come and I will give you rest.”.
While we are asked to live in the “real world,” this King claims his way is the most real. He calls us to look back on our story and see glimpses of Him in what we love. Then to do the same as we look at our lives presently. He promises that even now in everything that is happening in our lives, we will find rest in him, if we follow him. He reaches his hand down to help us out of the chaos.
Every day, we wake up facing this choice. “Will I fall into chaos? Will I enter into our Dad’s Kingdom?” To enter our Dad’s Kingdom of Rest we must focus not on our impact but on our intimacy. Our hearts must find their dwelling place within him.
One great way to enter into the Kingdom of rest is to learn how to spend time with Our heavenly Dad. This looks different for everyone. Maybe you feel his presence in nature, writing poetry, or reading. Find where you feel your Dad’s presence and allow his heart to speak to you. Give Him your concerns, worries, frustrations. All of it. (Put your hands down when doing this, releasing all to him)
Another practice that could help is just by listening to his voice. Ask him, “What do you have for me today? What are we doing together today?” Whatever his answer is, receive it and step into his kingdom with him. Jesus will answer every question we have. He gives what our hearts want and need: time with him. We can rest in how Jesus is already fighting for our best. (Put your hands up when doing this process, receiving what he has)
This intimacy, this Kingdom of Rest, gives us strength, restoration, joy, peace, healing, provision, His plan…everything our heart desires and needs! EVERYTHING!!! This place we could also call home! Wrap your head and heart around that!
This is how we move from the Kingdom of Chaos into the Kingdom of Rest. By spending time with our first love and king- Jesus.
It’s that easy and that hard.
- What are some things you loved (made you feel at home) as a kid that you have lost as an adult?
- What did you love about those things? What made them feel like home?
- What are some of the imposters that keep you from those places?
- Ask Jesus to reveal himself in those places.
- Ask Jesus what he loves doing with you.
- What are the things you love doing by yourself? Where do you go when you have time alone?
Next time you are there, invite Jesus there.
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