Whose kingdom do I live in?

written by J. A. Hart
If you live in the United States, you experienced the buzz around the 2020 elections. Tension existed everywhere. Conversation felt like a minefield. Social media was a war zone. Division stood on every news channel and barstool across the country. In the months preceding the election, I consistently heard a phrase thrown around by Christians. At first, the phrase felt like a lighthouse amidst the political storm, but slinking anxiety grew in my heart. As the feeling grew, I questioned the truth of the words.
I heard it first on social media. A lady I follow posted about a conversation she had with her husband and their children. I suppose the topic of the election had come up, and her kids inquired about it.
At the end of the conversation, she said, "No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?"
The children replied, "Jesus."
The story felt triumphant.
That’s right, I thought, Jesus is King!
I continued to hear that phrase, but as I pondered it, anxiety crept back in. I questioned it: Why do these words unsettle me? Why aren't they more hopeful?
A soft voice responded to my heart, "It's great to say, ‘Jesus is King,’ but how many people do you think actually live as if this is true?" The response felt cynical, and I hardened my heart.
Then, the soft voice asked, "Do you even live like this is true? Look at your life, whose kingdom do you truly live in? ”
The question stunned me; pride hardened my heart further. I wanted to be defensive, to build my walls thicker, but I looked at my daily life. The reflection humbled me.
I realized I don't live daily believing Jesus is my King. More often than not, I see my life as chaotic; I tend to forget who I am and where I belong. But my heart longs for more.
I prayed and asked God to show me what it truly looks like to live in his kingdom, believing Jesus is my King, not some far away ruler.
Throughout the next few months, I want to share what our heavenly dad continues to reveal to me about Kingdom living. I think you will be surprised and challenged by some of the revelations I've had.
Overall, I hope these blog posts elicit moments of revelation for your heart and story. I hope they help you step into the kingdom where a good-hearted king sits on the throne. Next week, we will start by looking at The Kingdom of Chaos.
Calibration Questions:
- Spend some time reflecting on your life. What do you see?
- Be honest with yourself, whose kingdom do you live in daily? Why?
- What does “Jesus is King” mean to you?
- Does that phrase compel you? Why or Why not?
- Spend some time asking your Heavenly dad to lead you into his Kingdom.
I heard it first on social media. A lady I follow posted about a conversation she had with her husband and their children. I suppose the topic of the election had come up, and her kids inquired about it.
At the end of the conversation, she said, "No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?"
The children replied, "Jesus."
The story felt triumphant.
That’s right, I thought, Jesus is King!
I continued to hear that phrase, but as I pondered it, anxiety crept back in. I questioned it: Why do these words unsettle me? Why aren't they more hopeful?
A soft voice responded to my heart, "It's great to say, ‘Jesus is King,’ but how many people do you think actually live as if this is true?" The response felt cynical, and I hardened my heart.
Then, the soft voice asked, "Do you even live like this is true? Look at your life, whose kingdom do you truly live in? ”
The question stunned me; pride hardened my heart further. I wanted to be defensive, to build my walls thicker, but I looked at my daily life. The reflection humbled me.
I realized I don't live daily believing Jesus is my King. More often than not, I see my life as chaotic; I tend to forget who I am and where I belong. But my heart longs for more.
I prayed and asked God to show me what it truly looks like to live in his kingdom, believing Jesus is my King, not some far away ruler.
Throughout the next few months, I want to share what our heavenly dad continues to reveal to me about Kingdom living. I think you will be surprised and challenged by some of the revelations I've had.
Overall, I hope these blog posts elicit moments of revelation for your heart and story. I hope they help you step into the kingdom where a good-hearted king sits on the throne. Next week, we will start by looking at The Kingdom of Chaos.
Calibration Questions:
- Spend some time reflecting on your life. What do you see?
- Be honest with yourself, whose kingdom do you live in daily? Why?
- What does “Jesus is King” mean to you?
- Does that phrase compel you? Why or Why not?
- Spend some time asking your Heavenly dad to lead you into his Kingdom.
True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother