Release and Receive: An Exercise

Yesterday we discussed releasing and receiving. Letting go of all that is weighing us down and receiving the deep rest being given to us by our Heavenly Dad.
Today, I want to share how practicing releasing and receiving looks for me, most days and on a weekly basis.
I love to open my hands and face them down. Then I pray off everything that comes to mind. Letting it all go before I try to rest. I start and end my day with this and sometimes several times throughout the day. This allows me to enter rest at any time, any place, and with any type of coffee, I may be drinking or crisis arising! I immediately can breathe deeper, see clearer, and feel my Dad’s presence which is what ULTIMATELY gives me the deepest and truest rest.
This leads me to the command and more important the created blessing of a Sabbath.
Resting is a part of the Sabbath with the caveat that once you have released what’s on your heart and mind and begun to receive what our Father has for you, you can have a deeper and truer time with Him. It’s a holy day set apart for us to rest with Him (Gen. 2:2-3; Deut. 5:12) and have a deeper connection with our Creator, Sustainer, Lover, Healer, and Father. It is meant to foster the deepest kind of intimacy. The kind of intimacy we had in the garden and what He desires to restore now.
Yes, set boundaries, go to a quiet place, no TV, phone, no expectations, etc, etc. But before any of that is ever going to be effective...release and receive!
- Consider adding a Sabbath or day of rest to your week. How will you prioritize it? What - boundaries would you need to put around that time?
- Take time this week to pray off (release) with hands down stuff and then turn your hands up (receive) and see what He wants to give you!
Today, I want to share how practicing releasing and receiving looks for me, most days and on a weekly basis.
I love to open my hands and face them down. Then I pray off everything that comes to mind. Letting it all go before I try to rest. I start and end my day with this and sometimes several times throughout the day. This allows me to enter rest at any time, any place, and with any type of coffee, I may be drinking or crisis arising! I immediately can breathe deeper, see clearer, and feel my Dad’s presence which is what ULTIMATELY gives me the deepest and truest rest.
This leads me to the command and more important the created blessing of a Sabbath.
Resting is a part of the Sabbath with the caveat that once you have released what’s on your heart and mind and begun to receive what our Father has for you, you can have a deeper and truer time with Him. It’s a holy day set apart for us to rest with Him (Gen. 2:2-3; Deut. 5:12) and have a deeper connection with our Creator, Sustainer, Lover, Healer, and Father. It is meant to foster the deepest kind of intimacy. The kind of intimacy we had in the garden and what He desires to restore now.
Yes, set boundaries, go to a quiet place, no TV, phone, no expectations, etc, etc. But before any of that is ever going to be effective...release and receive!
- Consider adding a Sabbath or day of rest to your week. How will you prioritize it? What - boundaries would you need to put around that time?
- Take time this week to pray off (release) with hands down stuff and then turn your hands up (receive) and see what He wants to give you!
Posted in Rest Series
Posted in rest, rest, rest series, meditation, prayer, exercises, release and receive
Posted in rest, rest, rest series, meditation, prayer, exercises, release and receive
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