Two Brothers; Same Outcome

Historically, the younger brother of this parable gets the bad rap. However, after going over the archetypes of both sons, we can see that neither was in “the right” or totally “good.” One son rebels by staying, and the other rebels by leaving.
However, they are both lost and enslaved by their desire to control. And yet, neither finds what he is ultimately looking for. Nor are they open to receiving the invitation to just live as children of their good father.
Realistically and unfortunately, we have all been these two sons at some point in our lives. Where do we go from here? We must be honest with ourselves about our patterns and motivations, own them, and repent, Just like the younger brother! If we do, we will be embraced by our heavenly Dad just as we see the father do in Jesus’ parable.
- Do you see yourself in either of these two boys? Why or why not?
- What is driving you? (ambition, approval, appetite) Really… Why?
- Who has control of your life? Why?
- Ultimately, what do you want out of life? Does the way you live your life reflect what you want?
- Where do you feel you are living as a slave to something?
However, they are both lost and enslaved by their desire to control. And yet, neither finds what he is ultimately looking for. Nor are they open to receiving the invitation to just live as children of their good father.
Realistically and unfortunately, we have all been these two sons at some point in our lives. Where do we go from here? We must be honest with ourselves about our patterns and motivations, own them, and repent, Just like the younger brother! If we do, we will be embraced by our heavenly Dad just as we see the father do in Jesus’ parable.
- Do you see yourself in either of these two boys? Why or why not?
- What is driving you? (ambition, approval, appetite) Really… Why?
- Who has control of your life? Why?
- Ultimately, what do you want out of life? Does the way you live your life reflect what you want?
- Where do you feel you are living as a slave to something?
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