Transform: A Miracle

As we trust in the truth, and choose to act upon these truths; we begin to see movement. This movement from “head to heart” is really hard but, will be transformative. Our lives inside and out will change for the better! Relationships, inner motives, mindsets, and perspectives change. We will sense greater peace, joy, and goodness (fruits of the spirit).
All of the shifting in our hearts is the work of the Trinity. A deep healing and restoration only They can do. When we live in deeper intimacy with our Dad. We start to reflect on Him and bear His image in new ways. Bringing about His kingdom on earth in our lives. Like the needle of a compass is pulled towards the magnetic pull of True North, so our “heart's needle” is pulled towards our heavenly Dad. As we trust in His truths and move in the direction Jesus is leading us, They transform us into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:17-18) one truth, change, and degree at a time through the Spirit.
As this miracle happens, we find ourselves on True North. We are traveling the Ancient Path in the direction towards our true heart, our heavenly Dad, and His truth and life to the full (John 10). It is the path we were created to follow toward the ultimate destination and true home: Our Dad’s presence! Will you step into this adventure of the heart with your heavenly Dad?
- How does this potential transformation of our lives feel to you?
- Is it daunting or scary to step into because of how much you will change?
- What would it cost to transform? What will it cost you if you do not?
- Take some time and list some fears and roadblocks that are in the way of you allowing the Trinity to work in your heart in this capacity.
- Take something your heavenly Dad revealed to you recently. See if this process accurately depicts your journey. Journal out each step (feel free to email me if it is a struggle:
- Is there another truth He is asking you to trust because He desires to transform you more into the image of Jesus? What is it? Where in the process do find yourself?
- What’s the next step you can take to trust and act? When will you do it?
- Keep this process close to you so you can watch the movement of your heart as your Dad calls you into the next adventure of your heart!
All of the shifting in our hearts is the work of the Trinity. A deep healing and restoration only They can do. When we live in deeper intimacy with our Dad. We start to reflect on Him and bear His image in new ways. Bringing about His kingdom on earth in our lives. Like the needle of a compass is pulled towards the magnetic pull of True North, so our “heart's needle” is pulled towards our heavenly Dad. As we trust in His truths and move in the direction Jesus is leading us, They transform us into the image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:17-18) one truth, change, and degree at a time through the Spirit.
As this miracle happens, we find ourselves on True North. We are traveling the Ancient Path in the direction towards our true heart, our heavenly Dad, and His truth and life to the full (John 10). It is the path we were created to follow toward the ultimate destination and true home: Our Dad’s presence! Will you step into this adventure of the heart with your heavenly Dad?
- How does this potential transformation of our lives feel to you?
- Is it daunting or scary to step into because of how much you will change?
- What would it cost to transform? What will it cost you if you do not?
- Take some time and list some fears and roadblocks that are in the way of you allowing the Trinity to work in your heart in this capacity.
- Take something your heavenly Dad revealed to you recently. See if this process accurately depicts your journey. Journal out each step (feel free to email me if it is a struggle:
- Is there another truth He is asking you to trust because He desires to transform you more into the image of Jesus? What is it? Where in the process do find yourself?
- What’s the next step you can take to trust and act? When will you do it?
- Keep this process close to you so you can watch the movement of your heart as your Dad calls you into the next adventure of your heart!
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