Truth: Movements and Methods

Yesterday we evaluated what speaks to our hearts and our mindsets and motives around the truth we receive. However, these truths we are brought are only nice sentiments or wise sayings until we act! We must trust the truths we are being given enough to act confidently in them.
As we calibrate to the truth and press into our mindset and motives, we discover we are being called to act. Potentially stepping out into something new, unknown, and untested. Our methods, or how we do things, will change. It could be freedom from sin or wounds, healing, or a deeper understanding of our Dad’s character or heart. Whatever it is, we are being led into something better (Jer 29:11, Rom. 8:23).
Unfortunately, this is the place most of us will falter. When truth speaks to us, we sense the draw, and we know we are dead in our old ways, but to act feels too hard and risky. Instead, we attempt to stay put and justify our life. However, if we act and step out in faith, we will know and live from our true hearts in freedom and wholeness as we were created to live. This movement and new methods set us free and lead us towards life to the full.
- What truths have been spoken to you that you have been avoiding? Why are you hesitant to act on them?
- What methods do you need to change to act on the truths you have been receiving?
- What freedom, healing, or goodness could you receive if you choose to act on the truth being given to you?
As we calibrate to the truth and press into our mindset and motives, we discover we are being called to act. Potentially stepping out into something new, unknown, and untested. Our methods, or how we do things, will change. It could be freedom from sin or wounds, healing, or a deeper understanding of our Dad’s character or heart. Whatever it is, we are being led into something better (Jer 29:11, Rom. 8:23).
Unfortunately, this is the place most of us will falter. When truth speaks to us, we sense the draw, and we know we are dead in our old ways, but to act feels too hard and risky. Instead, we attempt to stay put and justify our life. However, if we act and step out in faith, we will know and live from our true hearts in freedom and wholeness as we were created to live. This movement and new methods set us free and lead us towards life to the full.
- What truths have been spoken to you that you have been avoiding? Why are you hesitant to act on them?
- What methods do you need to change to act on the truths you have been receiving?
- What freedom, healing, or goodness could you receive if you choose to act on the truth being given to you?
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