Receiving Rest

Knowing and observing our Heavenly Dad’s created order is all good and fine, but what do we need to “receive” in order to rest? We always want to “do something first, but let's take a deeper look into our mindset. There are a few consistent truths we need to trust before we discuss “how to rest.”
First we must enter rest as a beloved son or daughter of a good Dad.
If we enter rest in this manner then we can see that we are “afforded” rest. It is a gift. We have a good Dad who wants us to be at our best; connecting with us intimately, and walking with us as we make an impact on the world He’s created. He loves us enough to take care of things in our life, in our sphere of influence, and responsibility so that we can rest. We must TRUST that He is offering us rest.
Second, we need to trust that being fruitful is better than just “being” productive. (John 15)
Making an impact is such a big deal in our culture that we attribute our worth and value to it. And yet Jesus never says…be productive. He says to bear fruit. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. Jesus calls us to “abide” in Him. Fruit is an outcome of being close to our heavenly Dad. It is not simply hard work. It denotes us being WITH Him. Moving in sync, acting out of obedience. Focusing on closeness and connection to Jesus, not on the tasks or obligations.
All of this requires rest to be a priority. We need it. When we get fried, we are at our least, lowest place. Burnout never produces any good. So why do it?
So this begs the question, which of the two above truths do you most struggle to trust? Knowing and pressing into which (or perhaps both) will help transform your rhythms of rest.
- Which of these truths do you struggle to trust? Why?
- Do you get value and worth from being productive? Why? Where does that mindset come from?
- Are you devoted to your relationship with Jesus or fixated on responsibility?
- What has shifted in your thinking about rest after reading this? Why? How can you make one change in your rhythms this week to rest?
First we must enter rest as a beloved son or daughter of a good Dad.
If we enter rest in this manner then we can see that we are “afforded” rest. It is a gift. We have a good Dad who wants us to be at our best; connecting with us intimately, and walking with us as we make an impact on the world He’s created. He loves us enough to take care of things in our life, in our sphere of influence, and responsibility so that we can rest. We must TRUST that He is offering us rest.
Second, we need to trust that being fruitful is better than just “being” productive. (John 15)
Making an impact is such a big deal in our culture that we attribute our worth and value to it. And yet Jesus never says…be productive. He says to bear fruit. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. Jesus calls us to “abide” in Him. Fruit is an outcome of being close to our heavenly Dad. It is not simply hard work. It denotes us being WITH Him. Moving in sync, acting out of obedience. Focusing on closeness and connection to Jesus, not on the tasks or obligations.
All of this requires rest to be a priority. We need it. When we get fried, we are at our least, lowest place. Burnout never produces any good. So why do it?
So this begs the question, which of the two above truths do you most struggle to trust? Knowing and pressing into which (or perhaps both) will help transform your rhythms of rest.
- Which of these truths do you struggle to trust? Why?
- Do you get value and worth from being productive? Why? Where does that mindset come from?
- Are you devoted to your relationship with Jesus or fixated on responsibility?
- What has shifted in your thinking about rest after reading this? Why? How can you make one change in your rhythms this week to rest?
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