Kingdom of Chaos

Yesterday, we talked about the importance of examining our hearts and our actions to determine what Kingdom we live in. Because this is potentially a new way of thinking and reflecting about our lives, we want to give you all a general depiction of what it may look like to live in each kingdom over the next few days. Today, let’s look at the “Kingdom of Chaos''
Chaos exists everywhere, acting as an unseen force that tears everything apart at its seams. We all want to be in the “Kingdom of Rest” camp. Yearning for some foundation to settle our feet, but that foundation doesn't seem to exist in everyday life. We look at our social media feed or the news, and suddenly comparison, fear and anxiety grip us. We watch a movie portraying a life we can't possibly have, and we feel depressed from the lack thereof. We talk to our bosses about a break, but they ignore us and pile more work onto our desks.
These moments warrant action, right? We want to react and do the next logical thing. Many times the next logical step is dictated by the voice of chaos. We allow him to define our actions for us by believing his story holds the truth. This leads us toward a kingdom of chaos where the cycle of death is evident and real. We hyperfixate on control and throw ourselves into living in survival mode. Going from thing to thing, frantically. Being weighed down by obligation, the state of the world, relationship issues, etc. Eventually, we break down, burn out or numb ourselves. Resolving that this is “just the way life is.” Look around you; do you see it? Is this really a kingdom we want to invest our resources in?
There is another way if we would choose it- there is a path that leads toward another kingdom where rest is in the heart of every man and woman who dwells there. A good-hearted King sits on the throne, and he beckons us to himself, away from death and chaos into life.
- What areas of your life feel like chaos? Why?
- What have you been doing about this? Why?
- Do you tend to push ahead or just give up? Why?
- Where does this lead you? Be specific (feelings, situations, mindsets)
- How is your heart? Does it feel chaotic? Why or why not?
- How do you think you can take a step towards the kingdom of rest?
Chaos exists everywhere, acting as an unseen force that tears everything apart at its seams. We all want to be in the “Kingdom of Rest” camp. Yearning for some foundation to settle our feet, but that foundation doesn't seem to exist in everyday life. We look at our social media feed or the news, and suddenly comparison, fear and anxiety grip us. We watch a movie portraying a life we can't possibly have, and we feel depressed from the lack thereof. We talk to our bosses about a break, but they ignore us and pile more work onto our desks.
These moments warrant action, right? We want to react and do the next logical thing. Many times the next logical step is dictated by the voice of chaos. We allow him to define our actions for us by believing his story holds the truth. This leads us toward a kingdom of chaos where the cycle of death is evident and real. We hyperfixate on control and throw ourselves into living in survival mode. Going from thing to thing, frantically. Being weighed down by obligation, the state of the world, relationship issues, etc. Eventually, we break down, burn out or numb ourselves. Resolving that this is “just the way life is.” Look around you; do you see it? Is this really a kingdom we want to invest our resources in?
There is another way if we would choose it- there is a path that leads toward another kingdom where rest is in the heart of every man and woman who dwells there. A good-hearted King sits on the throne, and he beckons us to himself, away from death and chaos into life.
- What areas of your life feel like chaos? Why?
- What have you been doing about this? Why?
- Do you tend to push ahead or just give up? Why?
- Where does this lead you? Be specific (feelings, situations, mindsets)
- How is your heart? Does it feel chaotic? Why or why not?
- How do you think you can take a step towards the kingdom of rest?
True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother