“No Matter What…”

If you live in the United States, you experience political and social tension on a regular basis. It’s everywhere. From conversations that feel like a minefield, to the war zone that is social media. There is division on every news channel and barstool across the country. In the months preceding the last election, I consistently heard a phrase thrown around by Christians. At first, the phrase felt like a lighthouse amidst the storm of the political season, but sinking anxiety grew in my heart. As the feeling grew, I questioned the way the truth of this phrase sometimes gets applied.
I heard it first on social media. A lady I follow posted about a conversation she had with her husband and their children. I suppose the topic of an election had come up and her kids inquired about it.
At the end of the conversation, she said, “No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?”
The children replied, “Jesus.”
What role do you play in today’s social and political climate?
How does the question, “No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?” hit you? Why is that?
What does Jesus being “King” mean to you? What does that do for your heart?
Is it hard for you to remember that Jesus is King as you ingest the information you are given on a daily basis?
I heard it first on social media. A lady I follow posted about a conversation she had with her husband and their children. I suppose the topic of an election had come up and her kids inquired about it.
At the end of the conversation, she said, “No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?”
The children replied, “Jesus.”
What role do you play in today’s social and political climate?
How does the question, “No matter who is president, do you remember who is king?” hit you? Why is that?
What does Jesus being “King” mean to you? What does that do for your heart?
Is it hard for you to remember that Jesus is King as you ingest the information you are given on a daily basis?
Posted in What Kingdom Do You Live In?
Posted in what kingdom do you live in, kingdom, what kingdom, Jesus is king
Posted in what kingdom do you live in, kingdom, what kingdom, Jesus is king
True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother