How to be More Intentional as a Dad (With the Right Stuff) - Part Three

written by J. A. Hart
We started this adventure together by asking the question:
How can I be a more intentional dad- with the right stuff?
We’ve walked a long way. In Part 1, I claimed that the biggest barrier between you and your son might just be the condition of your hearts. We explored the ancient Israelites definition of heart:
Lev’ (the heart) is where your internal life happens; it is where you hold desires, emotions, understanding, and beliefs. Your outer life flows from this inner chamber; your choices, how you treat others, and how you live reflect your ‘lev.’
I followed that idea with this: if you want to love your son more intentionally, focus on his heart and not his behavior, but this requires a change in you.
How can you focus on your son’s heart if you aren’t even aware of the condition of your own? In Part 2, I likened the heart to the interior of a house. It holds your desire, emotion, beliefs, and wounds. I challenged you to take an honest look at the condition of your house/heart because your heart stands between you and your son. Your son needs you, but if you don’t focus on your house/heart, how will your son? He imitates you; if you don’t care for your heart, he won’t care for his.
If you want to pursue your son's heart, you need to pursue your heart in an intimate relationship with the Trinity. Without Them, you can never understand the story of your heart. I challenged you to take time and invite Them into your house/heart. Click here to go back and read parts one and two.
Part three; let's jump in.
Friends, I know I threw a LOT at you in three weeks. Most of what I said could extend into a series of books, and if you checked out somewhere along the way, I understand (we all have Christmas on the brain
True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother