Christmas Cease-Fire

written by Linsley, Judah, and Chris Hartenstein
In 1914, a cease-fire happened during World War I known as the “Christmas Truce.” During one of the most tragic wars of all time, everyone decided to stop fighting to rest and celebrate on Christmas Day. While not every soldier and leader of the world believes in the true meaning of Christmas, the power of the holiday’s true meaning is responsible for these events.
Jesus came to the earth as a baby, to live among us, and then die for our freedom. We celebrate the fulfilled promise of His coming, but let’s not forget that Jesus was born in the middle of a war for our hearts. From the cultural implications of Mary’s pregnancy to finding a place to give birth, the battles prior to Jesus’ coming and after his birth are a large part of the Christmas story. However, on the day of His birth, there was a celebration. The Angels, God’s warriors, rejoiced, and Mary held all of these moments close to her heart.
As we have been talking about the weapons with which we wage war, I want to encourage you to hold a cease-fire this Christmas. While celebrating “the holidays” can bring both internal and external battles, we must choose not to dwell on the current battles we are in for one day. Instead, we must take a break and celebrate the Prince of Peace! We must hold the promises and examples of Christ in our hearts as much as we can. We are not dismissing the current war and battles at hand, but we must follow suit and take an intentional pause to embrace the sweet arrival of the greatest warrior of all time, Jesus.
Jesus came to the earth as a baby, to live among us, and then die for our freedom. We celebrate the fulfilled promise of His coming, but let’s not forget that Jesus was born in the middle of a war for our hearts. From the cultural implications of Mary’s pregnancy to finding a place to give birth, the battles prior to Jesus’ coming and after his birth are a large part of the Christmas story. However, on the day of His birth, there was a celebration. The Angels, God’s warriors, rejoiced, and Mary held all of these moments close to her heart.
As we have been talking about the weapons with which we wage war, I want to encourage you to hold a cease-fire this Christmas. While celebrating “the holidays” can bring both internal and external battles, we must choose not to dwell on the current battles we are in for one day. Instead, we must take a break and celebrate the Prince of Peace! We must hold the promises and examples of Christ in our hearts as much as we can. We are not dismissing the current war and battles at hand, but we must follow suit and take an intentional pause to embrace the sweet arrival of the greatest warrior of all time, Jesus.
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