Why Do We Rest?

written by Chris Hartenstein
Last week, we talked about what rest is and how it is a part of our created design. We left you with a question: “What is your attitude towards rest?” Since our attitudes influence our actions, it is important to identify what keeps us from resting. Maybe it is a worry, doubt, fear, business, family pressures, or addiction. Whatever it may be, it’s mission critical that we name it and shift our attitude away from whatever is in the way and towards living a life of obedience and trust in our Father’s design. When we shift our hearts, we will be able to see and receive the good and perfect gift of rest.
Rest affects every part of our lives. It helps equip us to handle life, whatever battles we might face. Our physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, and spiritual health all improve when we are healthy. Take a second and contemplate how you handle life when you are exhausted. How do you feel while being physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted? How does conflict with people in your life differ when you are exhausted verses when you are rested? Upon evaluating, it’s clear that life without rest is not life to the full. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the more you push and accomplish the more we are praised and admired. This adds to the struggle of rest and leaves most of us exhausted.
Despite how the world operates around us, we do not have to live our lives constantly exhausted. Imagine living a life where you had energy to value the condition of your heart, body, mind, and soul the way your Heavenly Father does because you are rested. This is a life of trust and faith. One where you can take a day to rest because you know you are held and covered with your Father’s provision. Rest also increases our capacity to handle life’s battles with grace and deal with people in a Christ-like manner. When we take time to rest and spend time with our Heavenly Father, we have more peace, joy, and contentment in the mundane. Most of all, we are more in tune with our Heavenly Father; empowering us to engage in whatever mission He has for us. This is the kind of life we are created for and desire.
This upcoming week, Spend some time thinking about how your attitude affects your habits of work and rest. Next we will talk about how to implement rest practically into our lives.
- What areas of your life could be improved by a regular rhythm of rest? Why?
- What is keeping you from rest?
- How you could potentially integrate rest into your everyday life?
Rest affects every part of our lives. It helps equip us to handle life, whatever battles we might face. Our physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, and spiritual health all improve when we are healthy. Take a second and contemplate how you handle life when you are exhausted. How do you feel while being physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted? How does conflict with people in your life differ when you are exhausted verses when you are rested? Upon evaluating, it’s clear that life without rest is not life to the full. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the more you push and accomplish the more we are praised and admired. This adds to the struggle of rest and leaves most of us exhausted.
Despite how the world operates around us, we do not have to live our lives constantly exhausted. Imagine living a life where you had energy to value the condition of your heart, body, mind, and soul the way your Heavenly Father does because you are rested. This is a life of trust and faith. One where you can take a day to rest because you know you are held and covered with your Father’s provision. Rest also increases our capacity to handle life’s battles with grace and deal with people in a Christ-like manner. When we take time to rest and spend time with our Heavenly Father, we have more peace, joy, and contentment in the mundane. Most of all, we are more in tune with our Heavenly Father; empowering us to engage in whatever mission He has for us. This is the kind of life we are created for and desire.
This upcoming week, Spend some time thinking about how your attitude affects your habits of work and rest. Next we will talk about how to implement rest practically into our lives.
- What areas of your life could be improved by a regular rhythm of rest? Why?
- What is keeping you from rest?
- How you could potentially integrate rest into your everyday life?
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