Ending the Year!

Well, it is almost Christmas and It’s been a wonderful year at The New Frontier! Our heavenly Father has done incredible work in the minds and hearts of His sons and daughters. We want to take a few minutes to share with you some events of the past year as we are beyond thankful for all that He has done and want you to share in that joy! We also want to give you an opportunity to be apart of the Greater Story He is writing this coming year.
This year there were three Father and Son Adventures, three Mighty Men Adventures, and one Women’s Week out in Montana. These weeks were full of fun and battle for the hearts of every son and daughter that came out. Fathers were able to reconnect with their sons, Men were able to process what it means to live out being sons at home and work. The ladies learned about what it means to live as daughters of a perfect Dad, who pursues their hearts daily. Six sons and two men came to accept Jesus as their Savior. We also launched a TNF App. Which will give us the ability to provide you with content post-Montana trip as well as read the TNF devotionals. We are excited for the possibilities this app will create in the coming year. In Ohio, a lot of exciting things happened as well. We merged with Innkeeper Ministries to better utilize their facilities and increase both of our overall offerings. Innkeeper was already serving thousands of pastors and missionaries by providing a much needed sabbath rest - a vital and needed work! We will now be able to offer much of what is being done in Montana as well as add solitude retreats, mother and daughter events, marriage weekends, premarital counseling, parental training and much more. We are very excited for this new adventure!
In the coming year, a lot of exciting change is happening at TNF and here are some of the opportunities for you to give and support what is happening:
$1,000 - sponsorship for pastors/missionaries for a week at TNF (usually 5 a year, includes men’s weeks as well)
$7,500 - video production for wider distribution
$20,000 - equipment/mower
$5,000 - website update
$30,000 - pole barn for storage, gear care and men’s trips (used for events).
$200,000 - repurpose of a 8700 sq ft facility in Ohio for TNF retreats. (pastoral, father/son, mother/daughter, marriage and pre-marriage).
We value and appreciate all of you and would be grateful for your continued support in 2020. If you would first, and foremost join us in prayer for the coming year. Pray for the sons and daughters that will come out to Montana, for their sustained intimacy with their Father upon returning home, and for the Staff of The New Frontier as we lead and serve them. Pray for the continued and expanding work in Ohio; there is much to do. We would also appreciate if you told a friend about TNF. Think of some people you know who may benefit from the content, adventure, rest, rejuvenation, and some great time away with their heavenly Dad! Finally, if you would consider giving this year to TNF it would be a huge blessing and encouragement. Every dollar you donate will be put to kingdom impact.
Your Brother,
Chris Hartenstein
This year there were three Father and Son Adventures, three Mighty Men Adventures, and one Women’s Week out in Montana. These weeks were full of fun and battle for the hearts of every son and daughter that came out. Fathers were able to reconnect with their sons, Men were able to process what it means to live out being sons at home and work. The ladies learned about what it means to live as daughters of a perfect Dad, who pursues their hearts daily. Six sons and two men came to accept Jesus as their Savior. We also launched a TNF App. Which will give us the ability to provide you with content post-Montana trip as well as read the TNF devotionals. We are excited for the possibilities this app will create in the coming year. In Ohio, a lot of exciting things happened as well. We merged with Innkeeper Ministries to better utilize their facilities and increase both of our overall offerings. Innkeeper was already serving thousands of pastors and missionaries by providing a much needed sabbath rest - a vital and needed work! We will now be able to offer much of what is being done in Montana as well as add solitude retreats, mother and daughter events, marriage weekends, premarital counseling, parental training and much more. We are very excited for this new adventure!
In the coming year, a lot of exciting change is happening at TNF and here are some of the opportunities for you to give and support what is happening:
$1,000 - sponsorship for pastors/missionaries for a week at TNF (usually 5 a year, includes men’s weeks as well)
$7,500 - video production for wider distribution
$20,000 - equipment/mower
$5,000 - website update
$30,000 - pole barn for storage, gear care and men’s trips (used for events).
$200,000 - repurpose of a 8700 sq ft facility in Ohio for TNF retreats. (pastoral, father/son, mother/daughter, marriage and pre-marriage).
We value and appreciate all of you and would be grateful for your continued support in 2020. If you would first, and foremost join us in prayer for the coming year. Pray for the sons and daughters that will come out to Montana, for their sustained intimacy with their Father upon returning home, and for the Staff of The New Frontier as we lead and serve them. Pray for the continued and expanding work in Ohio; there is much to do. We would also appreciate if you told a friend about TNF. Think of some people you know who may benefit from the content, adventure, rest, rejuvenation, and some great time away with their heavenly Dad! Finally, if you would consider giving this year to TNF it would be a huge blessing and encouragement. Every dollar you donate will be put to kingdom impact.
Your Brother,
Chris Hartenstein

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You are receiving this email because have attended a New Frontier trip or have asked for more information.
Posted in Year End
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