Who Sets my Rhythms?

Last week we set out on a journey to look at what our rhythms reflect about the realities of our life! I assume since your back you want to keep moving ahead...so saddle up!
Right out of the barn, let’s realize our Dad doesn’t try to make life complicated, the enemy does. There is something very simple and profound we must wrestle with: my rhythms reflect my reality. The reality of my priorities, what drives me, what I am focused on, who am I listening to, where am I taking my deep heart questions and much more.
Leaving and coming back to Ohio gives me a nice place to reset or re-calibrate how I am living my life. That being said, before I came back I started to pray: “Dad, what are you calling me to in this next season?” That question means I am not only going to need to release some things, but I am going to need to receive as well. I am going to have to make room in my life for what my Dad is asking of me. This is not easy because I internally battle the enemy and my own will. I really like some things and don’t really want to let them go. Likewise, there are things He asks me to do, that I don’t like.
During my journaling on the above question, He gave me two words: rejuvenation and revelation. To be clear, I am not making a blanket, prophetic statement for everyone. This was for my family and I. Honestly, I am also not entirely sure what it means yet. What I am willing to do though is continue to ask for clarity, listen for details, and then follow in trust (aka faith in action, John 10). I am intent to understand what He means and work it out day-to-day. As He reveals specifics to me, I must begin to establish rhythms that reflect what He is asking of me, doing in me, and desires to do through me.
Now I must align (or calibrate as we like to say at TNF) my rhythms to His direction, to the reality that He desires to bring into my life and the world around me. Notice how it moves from “me focused” to “Him focused.” My rhythms and thereby my reality are aligning to the reality He wants to bring about in this world.
A hill we are willing to die on at TNF, is that Jesus did not come to "just” save us from our sins, but to be the ultimate example of what it meant to be TRULY HUMAN. Over the next few weeks, we will look at Jesus and learn how He established rhythms. Jesus will help us really understand how to have rhythms that reflect the reality our Dad desires to see in the world. As well as provide an easy contrast to what we are currently doing. Take some time and sit with the questions below.
Your Brother,
Chris Hartenstein
Right out of the barn, let’s realize our Dad doesn’t try to make life complicated, the enemy does. There is something very simple and profound we must wrestle with: my rhythms reflect my reality. The reality of my priorities, what drives me, what I am focused on, who am I listening to, where am I taking my deep heart questions and much more.
Leaving and coming back to Ohio gives me a nice place to reset or re-calibrate how I am living my life. That being said, before I came back I started to pray: “Dad, what are you calling me to in this next season?” That question means I am not only going to need to release some things, but I am going to need to receive as well. I am going to have to make room in my life for what my Dad is asking of me. This is not easy because I internally battle the enemy and my own will. I really like some things and don’t really want to let them go. Likewise, there are things He asks me to do, that I don’t like.
During my journaling on the above question, He gave me two words: rejuvenation and revelation. To be clear, I am not making a blanket, prophetic statement for everyone. This was for my family and I. Honestly, I am also not entirely sure what it means yet. What I am willing to do though is continue to ask for clarity, listen for details, and then follow in trust (aka faith in action, John 10). I am intent to understand what He means and work it out day-to-day. As He reveals specifics to me, I must begin to establish rhythms that reflect what He is asking of me, doing in me, and desires to do through me.
Now I must align (or calibrate as we like to say at TNF) my rhythms to His direction, to the reality that He desires to bring into my life and the world around me. Notice how it moves from “me focused” to “Him focused.” My rhythms and thereby my reality are aligning to the reality He wants to bring about in this world.
A hill we are willing to die on at TNF, is that Jesus did not come to "just” save us from our sins, but to be the ultimate example of what it meant to be TRULY HUMAN. Over the next few weeks, we will look at Jesus and learn how He established rhythms. Jesus will help us really understand how to have rhythms that reflect the reality our Dad desires to see in the world. As well as provide an easy contrast to what we are currently doing. Take some time and sit with the questions below.
- What do my current rhythms (habits, time, finances, friendships, etc.) reflect about my reality (my life)?
- What drives my current rhythms? Be honest - is it me or my Dad?
- Why is that?
- What does that reflect about my relationship to my Heavenly Dad?
Your Brother,
Chris Hartenstein

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True CommunityTwo Kinds of LoyaltyGiving Grace in CommunityJesus’ Invitations into True CommunityHumility in True Community“No Matter What…”Do We Live Like Jesus is King?How's Your Heart?Kingdom of ChaosKingdom of RestThe Problem of RestA Different StoryReceiving RestHow Do I Rest?Release and Receive: An ExerciseThe Prodigal SonOlder Brother