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This section isn't mandatory, but we recommend that you go through it together. We take some of the main ideas from our "Truth of the Month" video and explore them further using specific examples, stories, and videos that flesh them out in unique ways. Each main idea has a few quick discussion questions to get you thinking before you jump into your lengthier calibration discussion for the month.

Click through the titles in the green menu below to explore further.

Truth #1

"One day, we will experience the fullness of restoration, but no one knows when that will happen for sure. Until then, God invites us to help him enact his restoration plan- to work alongside him as he restores all of creation."

More to Explore

All rights reserved to The Bible Project. TNF does not own anything in this video and uses it for educational purposes only. We make no money on this video. We will remove this video at the request of The Bible Project and its representatives. For more information about The Bible Project, go to their webpage.

Quick Discussion Questions

  1. What stuck out to you about God's restoration plan as explained by the Bible Project? Talk about it together.
  2. What questions do you have about God's restoration plan? Write them down in your journal and maybe discuss them together.

Truth #2

"His call is an invitation to restoration - to put aside the life we build by going to other sources so God can return us to the person He made us to be so we can live in our Garden State again. Here, we come to the same crossroads that Humanity did in the Garden. We have two choices in response to this invitation. Will we trust our True Source and accept his Call to Adventure? Or will we reject his call and continue to place our trust in sources apart from Him? Our response determines who we become."

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Remember, our story is all about trust. Since the Garden, we've struggled to trust that our True Source's Path is the one that will lead us to life at its best. Our adventures with God ultimately involve him helping us trust him again. The Call to Adventure is the first opportunity to place our trust in him. It's where he says, "I know you want to keep this magnet, but if you let go of it, I promise I have something better for you." We broke trust with God in the Garden, and in breaking trust, broke our close relationship with him. Now, God is inviting us to mend that relationship by trusting him again. Broken trust drove us to separation. Trust can lead us back into close relationship. The rest of our adventure is all about who we will trust.

Quick Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do you struggle to trust God? Talk about that together.
  2. Why do you think God wants/needs our trust? Why is it important to him?
  3. Do you think you can reach your Garden State/Restoration without trust? Why do you say that?

Truth #3

"This is what happens when we reject the call. We let sources apart from God get closer to our hearts than he is. We let them get between us and him. Those sources become magnets that draw us away from our True Source."

More to Explore

Let us put this another way. The sources apart from God that we allow too close to our hearts become "walls" between us and our Creator. Humor us and try something. Dad, think of something important to tell your son but don't say it out loud. Once you have it, go into another room and shut the door. Try to tell your son something important through the wall. Say it as if you were just trying to have a normal conversation.

Son, can you hear your dad's voice clearly? Can you understand what he is trying to say and what to do as a result? Write down what you THINK you heard him say.

Then, come back together. Dad, did he get what you said right? What was missing?

(Unless you have thin walls.) This is what it's like to try to have a relationship with God when we have magnets closer to our hearts than our Creator.

They make it hard or sometimes impossible for us to "see" or "hear" our True Source with clarity. The other sources (although well intended at times) muffle our True Source's voice, driving us towards separation and confusion. We must tear down our "walls." We must detach from our magnets so we can listen and follow our True Source well- so he can lead us back into our Garden State.

Quick Discussion Questions

  1. Does this example help you understand "magnets" more clearly? Did anything in your life come up that you think is a magnet you've yet to identify? Talk about it together.
  2. What other parallels do you see between our teaching video this month and the example above?

Truth #4

"The sources we let become magnets to our hearts and the answers they gave us aren't going to lead us into God's presence, where we can have clarity about our true identity. We can't live the life God has for us without some sort of change. This is our first chance to calibrate our hearts. We have to detach or leave our magnets and their lifestyle behind as we press into the adventure."

"To accept the call, we must actively remove the sources we've let get too close to our hearts. They are magnets pulling us away from our Creator's presence. They must go, so our hearts can calibrate to our True Source's Path for us. Our first act of detachment is our true accepting of the call."

More to Explore

Detaching is hard. Why? Because the reason we make sources apart from God magnets is usually good. For example, we often go to friends or people we respect for acceptance and approval. We were created to be accepted and approved of. Wanting to have those things isn't bad- those are good desires. The problem is WHERE we take those desires. Our friends and the people we respect don't always know what's best for us. So, their requirements for approval and acceptance might actually move us away from God and set us on a False True North.

Sports or school performance are another good example. We all want to do well, and we all want to be worth something to someone. Those are good desires, but when we link them together (or we let our performance define our worth), our performance quickly becomes a magnet.

Instead of going to our True Source for our worth, where he says, "You are worth everything to me (John 3:16)," we look to our grades (Did I do well enough on that test?) or the results of a game (Am I the reason we lost?). The outcome of those things (which can be different every time because we aren't perfect) defines how we see ourselves. Some days, we may like ourselves a lot. On other days, we may hate ourselves.

That's not life to the full! That's not our Garden State! God has more for us, so we must do the hard thing and detach from our magnets. When we do, we find our good desires fulfilled by our True Source in HIS timing and goodness.

Quick Discussion Questions

  1. What magnets feel really hard to detach from right now?
  2. Do you think you could identify what you are trying to get from those magnets that instead you need to take to your True Source?
  3. How could you maybe do that this week? Brainstorm together.

Truth #5

"No matter how you move the compass, as long as it's flat, the needle settles on physical True North. That is the direction in which it was DESIGNED to point. The Human heart is the same. We are created for God's presence- for close, trusting relationship with Him. It is a part of our Garden State, built into our DNA. Our hearts are naturally drawn to Him, which is why we love the good things that bring our hearts alive. They reflect a part of his heart."

More to Explore

  1. Before you continue: What comes to mind when you hear the term "Heart?"

You may have noticed that we often use that word. You may have a vague idea of what we mean when we say "heart." Still, some of our conversations might be confusing without a better understanding.

For example, one can use the word Heart to mean "the central or innermost part of something," as in "Let's get to the heart of the city" (Oxford Dictionary). Suppose we apply that meaning when we say "a heart question" in reference to identity and manhood. In that case, that means we're saying "core innermost part question." That conveys a part of what we mean but doesn't cover the full scope. And let's be honest, it's still confusing. So, we want to introduce you to "LEV," the Hebrew word for "Heart." "Lev" is much closer to what we mean.

All rights reserved to The Bible Project. TNF does not own anything in this video and uses it for educational purposes only. We make no money on this video. We will remove this video at the request of The Bible Project and its representatives. For more information about The Bible Project, go to their webpage.
  1. Before you continue: We asked you what "heart" means to you. What were your answers? How do they compare to the definition of "Heart" in the Bible Project video?

When we use the word "heart," we refer to your LEV. This is a part of who God made you to be: your mind, your desires, your emotions, and your choices.

the heart-V1.png

So, when we use the phrase "heart question," we mean "core questions that sit at the center and define our thoughts, desires, emotions, and choices." Questions like, Who am I? (Identity) - Why am I here? (Mission) - Where do I belong? (Community) - How do I live? (Code). Those questions determine who we become. Look at the picture below. Notice how identity is in the center of the "Heart." How we answer that question determines our Mission, Community, and Code, which, in turn, determines our desires, mind, emotions, and choices.

the heart-V2.png

So, let's play out what happens when we believe our identity is a baseball player and put that at the center of our hearts.

Community revolves solely around our baseball team. We only hang out with our teammates because that's all we make time for. Our mission focuses on our performance, so our team can be successful. And finally, our code shifts to fit the life of a baseball player. We shift our mental and emotional energy to playing at peak performance. When we don't, we struggle. We try to fulfill our desires in our performance and whether or not our team has a winning season, and we choose to do everything we can to be a better baseball player. That's WHO we become. So, let's take our identity question to baseball. We'll orient our entire Heart (desires, mind, emotions, and choices) to becoming and proving ourselves as a baseball player.

Now, let's tie that back into our teaching this month. Our hearts have a natural pull to God because he created us- this draw is a spiritual magnetic pull, like the needle on a compass. But because we have so many magnets between us and our Creator, we don't feel that pull anymore. So, we must detach from our magnets each day. One of the things that can help us do that is being aware of our hearts' movements. We can spend some time checking in on our desires, thoughts, emotions, and choices daily. They help us identify our magnets, so we can detach well, see where we may be taking our identity question, and turn back to our True Source daily. Here are some questions that we think help with that:

  1. What is on my mind today? Why do I think that is? What am I doing about it?
  2. What am I feeling today (hopeful, sad, frustrated, annoyed, angry, etc.)? Why do I think that is? What am I doing about it?
  3. What do I want today? Why do I think that is? What am I doing about it?
  4. Based on my answers above, where would I say my Heart is today? Am I taking my identity question to God or others? Why do I think that is?

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