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Operation 8 Ball

Do you remember my example of an unreliable source in our Truth of the Month video? Well, you might have noticed one in your adventure kit this month. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to use that magic 8 ball as a source for directions to a drink destination of choice. Good luck. :)

Here's how this mini-adventure works:

  • Grab your mini-magic 8 balls.

    NOTE: Make sure you shake these guys REALLY well when you use it during the mini-adventure. They can be a bit finicky.

  • On someone's phone, open GPS. Choose a location to get drinks (Chick-fil-A, a smoothie shop, or a local coffee spot). This location MUST be about 15 to 20 minutes from your home or current location.
  • Get in your car and pull up to the edge of your driveway. Set a timer for 15-20 min (depending on how far your destination is) and start it.
  • Look at the GPS directions, then ask the magic eight ball if you should follow EACH DIRECTION the GPS lays out. For example, The GPS says to turn left out of your driveway. Ask the Magic 8 Ball, "Should I turn left?" Do what it says.

    a. All non-committal and negative answers are "NO." Non-committal examples include Ask Again Later, Reply Hazy, Try Again, etc. All positive answers are "YES."

    b. If you receive a "Continue straight onto such-and-such-a road" from the GPS, and the magic eight ball says "No" to those directions, ask the eight ball if you should go left, then right. Do what it says.

    c. If the GPS says, "Turn left," and there is an option to go straight or turn right, ask the mini-magic 8 ball about each option and do what it says. BUT BE QUICK! You may not always have the time you need to make the decision!

    d. If the mini-magic 8 ball says "No" to every option, try again!

  • Do this until the timer runs out, and take a picture together at the destination the magic 8 ball sent you to. Then, take a screenshot of the distance from your intended destination.
  • From here, you can reset the timer and try again, or drive straight to your chosen destination, grab a drink, and talk through the Mini-Adventure Discussion questions.

Here is a video example of how this adventure can play out. You don't have to watch the video, but we sure did have fun making it for you. :)

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